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Codes and standards are designed to help ensure that tenants, employees and visitors to commercial office buildings in Chicago enjoy modern, safe and efficient buildings.  Through efforts to educate policy makers about industry trends and best practices, BOMA/Chicago has fostered a deliberative, cost effective regulatory environment surrounding code revision and adoption wherever and whenever possible.

When meeting with officials, whether addressing policy issues on behalf of the entire membership, or individual concerns of a single constituent member, BOMA/Chicago has a tremendous advantage and well respected reputation on which to capitalize.  It is not just an advocate on behalf of its members, but is a recognized and valued expert resource for code officials.

Safe, Secure, & Efficient

BOMA/Chicago has been the voice of the office building industry in proceedings before the Chicago City Council, the Illinois General Assembly, and others on important changes designed to enhance the safety and efficiency of Chicago’s office buildings. Advocacy efforts focus on ensuring that new safety and efficiency measures not only reflect the best industry practices but that they are economically viable solutions. At the City’s invitation, BOMA/Chicago is actively participating in the rewrite and modernization of all the Chicago building codes, including important provisions on life safety and accessibility, energy and modernization. BOMA/Chicago’s participation in the codes process ensures that the practical needs and operational concerns of BOMA/Chicago members are heard by policy makers and reflected in the adoption of new standards or the revision of existing codes.

Streamlined Permits and Inspections

BOMA/Chicago continues to press for improvement in Chicago’s building permit and inspection processes, including the recently adopted E-Plan system, with emphasis on cutting the lead times between application and permit issuance and on streamlining a variety of inspectional procedures. BOMA/Chicago was instrumental in the City’s adoption of a third party elevator inspection program that was economical, manageable, and practical for commercial office buildings. In addition, through ongoing dialogue with the Chicago Department of Buildings, BOMA/Chicago has initiated proposals for several key programs, which could dramatically reduce lead times for tenant improvement permits and cut unnecessary or duplicative inspections


Making sense of the patchwork of ADA provisions in the City of Chicago and their impact on commercial buildings.

ICC & Model Codes

Partnering with the City of Chicago to modernize construction codes and successfully adopt the International Building Code.

Local Building Codes

Helping to ensure that tenants, employees and visitors to Chicago's commercial office buildings enjoy modern, safe and efficient buildings.

Fire & Life Safety Codes

Working with local first responders to ensure fire and life safety for tenants, employees and visitors in Chicago's high-rise buildings.

Permitting & Inspections

Working with Chicago's Department of Buildings to enhance the permitting and inspection process.

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